Sunday, 18 October 2009
Escalator,Stairs and the Third Way to God
People choose the stairs or the escalator for the benefits that accrue to them or the bother they can avoid if lazy. Apologetics in a way starts off in the very basics by people being presented with the clearly evidentially laden indications of God's existence in the Universe that is made, that is our dwelling place,in its form and order and in what Dr Schaeffer would call the mannishness of man,his character,his personality,his capabilities,his language skills, his creativity,his cruelty,his nobility etc and etc .The Earths continuance in relative stability speaks from itself that the God who created and sustains it is (Infinite) and that He(personal) ,the infinite/Personal God from His word,the revelation of God to mankind is a rewarder of those that seek Him. If my own earthly and beloved father (named Francis too ) ever sent me to the shop as a young boy for shopping for the family he would sweeten the task by saying I will give you threepence ( a now discarded coin with fond memories for me) and I would be smiling to myself, running all the way (even though that was not necessary nor in the instructions) and with the shopping get my self a McCowans Toffee or a Tobermory Tattie which was a slightly hard sweet with a little toy inside which you had to bite into to get the toy out to play with. If my father ever forgot to give me the gift which he did not ,Mary ,my mother (also the name for the mother of Jesus) would have done so .The stairs or the escalator in I hope the accompanying short video are like all the other faiths in the World where on one side you have to work to get to God i.e. the stairs,the other choice is where you are carried along and upwards you give up then your free choice,your free will,( which in a way is a misnomer since we are all marred by the historic space time fall and therefore are no longer free both to know or and to choose correctly) and get carried along by sensation,by emotion, by indoctrination, as in the Divine Light Mission ,(which I was in )by disturbing our categories as in Zen Buddhism (which I was involved with ,both of them Eastern religions of a sort.etc. Our God .the Judaic-Christian God,the God who answers by fire,the One I returned to like the prodigal son I am for I was reminded that He is the only God that is recorded as coming down and dying for us .He comes down to us for He unlike all others knows we are war wounded,He knows we cannot help ourselves, He knows that we now have a disposition to hate Him since the historic space -time fall of Adam spoken about in the first chapters of Genesis and He uses that hatred of Him we have for we are willing to and did put Him to illegal trial,illegal punishment,illegal crucifixion of an innocent man by a kangaroo court convened at night,betrayed by His own,(Judas )Disowned by His own, three times (Peter) condemned by His own people the Jews to send His love and forgiveness and restoration and blessing for his own people the Jews, for us as Gentiles too now grafted into the vine,all to save us in and through the works and the person of Christ His only begotten son,Our Saviour and Lord. Our hate was be used by God at tremendous cost to Himself for our Redemption by His sacrificial substitutionary death on the Cross and his glorious Resurrection. Rembrandt did a painting of the Crufixion scene with his own face among the throng.If we had lived at the same time I would have asked him if he would put mine.My song then is love known,not totally for I and we all shall never know the full extent of the cost of His love for us. Such things are beyond us all to bear or understand. But more than enough is testified of and known to me to have me kneel gladly before Him in love and adoration and acclaim Him Lord of all . This is the greatest love story ever told This unlike the film "Love Story" is being sorry, being forgiven for we need to confess , the prodigal son rejoiced over at his shamed return. He made the blind to see, the lame to walk, the hungry fed,the thirsty at a wedding given the best wine made from water by Him and their thirst quenched,the dead friend wept over, then raised from the dead, the woman caught in adultery saved from being stoned and being forgiven, the sinner forgiven, the poor in heart given the Kingdom of God,the rich being warned of the taint of riches used selfishly,the strangers to each other being made a band of brothers by blood spilt and iron nails driven in to open and willing hands and feet, the Devil himself faced down,proved false and faithless and impotent to destroy Christ. If we cannot weep with joy unspeakable and full of glory and gladness and learn to worship this God who has defeated death already and will do once more and forever, as John Donne says Death thou shalt die. A God that heals broken hearts and Heads and I know,O how I know the truth of that every single day then no amount of reasoning will compel by apologetic method someone into the Kingdom of Christ our Lord.Finally it is always love that brings the lost sheep home, I know for I was one (I've got a ram's horn on my stick to prove it-smile) finally it is Love that has the last word for God himself is love
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